Friday, March 1, 2013

Naratif texs Bandung Bondowoso

Bandung Bondowoso
Long time a go, lived a beauty princess her named was roro jonggrang. she had father her named was prabu ratu baka
The king had a kingdom in the top boko’s mount in the south prambanan temple.   ratu baka’s named imortalized in one complexed were named ratu boko’s temple
Roro jonggrang would be merrid from power full hero, her named was bandung bondowoso, but roro jonggrang did not loved his.
Roro jonggrang asked bandung bondowoso to build 1000 statue  in 1 night . To prevent bandung bondowoso as her husband.roro jongggrang thought the all the asked did not fullnes.
 The powerly of bandung bondowoso called many invisible soldiery to helped his
The sun was not rise, and the job bandung bondowoso  almost finished, only one less statue. roro jonggrang called the shots all of people to rice strike. The invisible soldiery thought the sun will be rise and they was came back.
        The job of Bandung bondowoso was not finished and he knew what roro jonggrang done and he curse roro jonggrang to as statue to fullnes 1000 statue

Nama      : Fauzi Andi Finzaqi